Vote Henry Whitmer for Yavapai County Judge

Vote Henry Whitmer for Yavapai County Judge

Whitmer for Judge

Yavapai County Superior Court Division 5

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"As a judge, I bring integrity, honesty, and commitment to the ideals that are the foundation of this great nation. Our rights and liberties are the cornerstone of the court system, and where they end tyranny begins."

                                                                    -Henry Whitmer-

Judicial Integrity

Defending The Constitution

Henry Whitmer has spent his career protecting and defending the Constitution. He believes our founding documents must be respected, and will never legislate from the bench. 

Judicial Experience

Henry Whitmer serves as a Justice of the Peace Pro Tem for Yavapai County. A pro tem is a part-time judge that serves as needed. He knows what it takes to be a great judge because he already is one.


Henry Whitmer has been a Republican since the day he could be a Republican. He has worked for multiple conservative campaigns and causes. Henry Whitmer is the clear conservative choice.

Meet Henry Whitmer

Henry Whitmer is licensed to practice in all Arizona state and federal courts, as well as the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals and the United States Supreme Court.  He has practiced as an attorney in Yavapai County for over a decade. He is a former homicide prosecutor and defense attorney, having represented both "The People" and "The Person". His experience ranges from city courts to superior courts, all the way up to being a member of the United States Supreme Court Bar.

Henry Whitmer obtained a degree in philosophy magna cum laude from Barrett's Honors College at Arizona State University. He graduated with the highest pro bono distinction from the Sandra Day O'Connor School of Law at Arizona State University. He has been published by the Law Review of Phoenix School of Law as well as the Public Policy Incubator Program at the Sandra Day O'Connor College of Law.

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