Vote Henry Whitmer for Yavapai County Judge

Vote Henry Whitmer for Yavapai County Judge



"Judges are not legislators; they need to follow the law as it's written, not as they wish it had been written. A judge needs to start with the text of the law, plain and simple. When a judge starts with their politics, they treat the bench like a throne and the black robe like a crown, which is not justice."


"When I interpret Constitutional provisions, I am an Originalist. That means I start with the original public meaning of the text at the time of The Founding. This keeps judges from injecting their personal preferences into legal decisions."

Dedicated Litigator

"I have handled cases ranging from simple DUIs up to seeking the death penalty in first-degree murder cases. I have been on both sides of the aisle and have a wide range of experience in Federal and State courts."

Experienced Judge

"As a Pro Tem Justice of the Peace for Yavapai County, I know what it takes to be a great judge. A pro tem judge is a part-time judge who serves on an as-needed basis. This allows me to not only maintain a high-level practice as an attorney but also develop my judicial abilities. I have the skills and experience to hit the ground running on day one."

Conservative Republican

"I have been a conservative Republican since the day I could register to vote. I have helped with conservative campaigns and causes for nearly two decades. I don't care who you are, where you're from, or what party you belong to; in my court, you will get a fair shake. I can't think of anything more conservative than that principle."

Accountability Through Democracy

"We've all looked at our ballots, seeing a single candidate for a single judge spot and not knowing a thing about them. When you only have one choice, you have no choice. The last time a sitting judge in Yavapai County lost to a challenger was 1958. The voters need choices. I'm here to give them that choice and accomplish something that has not been done in 66 years."

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